Thursday, January 24, 2013

As if 2 feet of snow, sub-zero temps for two weeks, and inversion were not enough...

We were blessed with warmer temperatures (25-30 degrees) and sleet and ice...
I am trying to do what I can to keep kids from climbing the walls from being inside so much. Thankfully, we have a way to take them to the gym to get out some of their energy.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Winter Snowstorm

Since I have moved to UT, they have never closed school for snow. I have some very fond memories of hiking through 6 inches of snow to get kids to school. So, when we went to bed with six inches of snow, we planned on Ralph leaving early to get school. At 6 AM,we were awoken by a recorded message from Davis Schools say that school was closed. Imagine our surprise when we looked and saw....
Anyway, we are at about 18 plus inches. No official word on exactly how much Farmington received and we are still getting the "lake effect snow." The weather forecasters have called the storm "Gandalf." (You know that scene from the first LORD OF THE RINGS movie when Gandalf says "Thou shall not pass!" This is what the mountains told the storm and why we have so much snow.) Yeah, they must be Tolkein fans! Some more pictures of the snow:
Our home teachers, Ralph, and the kids standing around after shoveling several driveways.